marathons. 18. Alpha and Beta Male Statistics. Date research was conducted: September 4, 2016. Physical Technology. Date research was conducted: May 26, 2018. S. Brain health is the state of brain functioning across cognitive, sensory, social-emotional, behavioural and motor domains, allowing a person to realize their full potential over the life course, irrespective of the presence or absence of disorders. EntertainmentStatistic Sources & References. 3% 3 Better Financial Decisions 8. Master of Business Administration Statistics (MBA) Medical School Acceptance Rate Statistics. Total number of US hat sales and manufacturing businesses. S. 2 % Average annual sales $249,000,000,000 Annual payroll $13,000,000,000. *. Average Total Cost of Wedding $28,082 Attire & Accessories $1,600 Wedding Dress $1,053 Dress Accessories $144 Headpiece and or Veil $119 Tuxedo / Suit / Other Accessories $111 Tuxedo /. Hallmark Card Statistics Data Total number of Hallmark greeting cards purchased in 2015 4,750,000,000 Total annual revenue for Hallmark Cards $4,250,000,000 Number of languages Hallmark Cards are printed in 30. Percent of fur clothing in the United States that comes from China. S. ADVERTISEMENT. The number of monthly texts sent increased more than 7,700% over the last decade. women experiencing hair loss. Industry AnalysisSmartphone App Statistics Apple Google Play Blackberry Windows Total app downloads 62,000,000,000 91,000,000,000 13,400,000,000 15,100,000,000 Percent users who have never paid. BIC Company Statistics. ADVERTISEMENT. Hat Sales Industry Statistics. Content Author: Statistic Brain Date research was conducted: September 7, 2016. Source: Statistic Brain Research Institute (Online / Direct Response Mail) Content Author: Statistic Brain. com Research Date: 3. ADVERTISEMENT Related Statistic Brain Research. 316. Industry AnalysisBreakfast Cereal Statistics. Health & Disease. Catering Industry Market Analysis. Average Appliance Electric Use. businesses by employees $50,000,000,000 Percent of annual revenues lost to theft or fraud 7 % Percent of employees who have stolen. Prostitution Statistics. Chevron Company Statistics. ACTORS SALARIES. George Clooney Career Statistics. Content Author: Statistic Brain. Company Profile. Murder Weapon Statistics. Number of U. Cheese Statistics. Date research was conducted: September 6, 2016. Username. Username. Book Title Author Year Books Sold 1 A Tale of Two Cities Charles Dickens 1859 200,000,000 + 2 The Lord of the Rings J. ADVERTISEMENT Related Statistic Brain Research. Star Wars Movies. Percent of welfare recipients who are white / caucasian. Frozen Yogurt Industry Statistics. Barbershop Statistics Data Number of barbers in the U. Most Popular US Cat Breeds Domestic Shorthair 61,046 American Shorthair 37,545 Domestic Medium Hair 16,776 Domestic Long Hair 15,049 Siamese 14,582 Maine Coon 10,852 Persian 6,717 Russian Blue 3,864 Himalayan. World Hunger Statistics. Online / Mobile Banking Statistics. 99 / MONTH $ 8. Mandatory Prison Sentence by Crime. 2% Percent male 27. Physical TechnologyEaster Holiday Spending Statistics Data Total annual spending on all Easter-related goods $14. LOGIN. ft. Percent. Leap Year Statistics. Here are some incredible numerical facts about the human brain. Brain health. Physical Technology. Our goal is to bring you accurate and timely statistics. ADVERTISEMENT Related Statistic Brain. S. Colin Farrell Movie Career Earnings. Firearm Industry Statistics. Content Author: Statistic Brain Date research was conducted: August 2, 2016. Percent Male. DUI Arrest Statistics Data Average number of people arrested annually for drunk driving 1,500,000 Average number of people who die annually in drunk driving accidents 10,075 Number of DUI. Content Author: Statistic Brain Date research was conducted: July 1, 2019. Salary. 5 % Record time for the fastest marathon ever run 2:03. Content Author: Statistic Brain Date research was conducted: September 3, 2016. ADVERTISEMENT. Industry AnalysisContent Author: Statistic Brain Date research was conducted: June 17, 2017. Active Duty Service Women by Branch of Service. Content Author: Statistic Brain Date research was conducted: September 6, 2016. Abstinence Statistics Data Percent of Americans who wait until marriage to have sex 3 % Percent of Americans who waited until marriage to have sex in 1950 11 % Percent. 19. Demographics. 9/11 Death Statistics. YouTube Company Statistics Data Total number of people who use YouTube 1,325,000,000 Hours of video uploaded to YouTube every minute 300 hours Number of videos viewed on YouTube everyday 4,950,000,000. Chewing Gum Statistics. Fear / Phobia Statistics. Justin Bieber Statistics Data Number of grandparents in the U. Password. states with the death penalty 32 Total number of executions since 1976 1,392 Current number of Death Row inmates 3,035 Percent of counties. Donald Trump Career Financial Statistics. 1. Content Author: Statistic Brain Date research was conducted: April 17, 2017. Annual Golf Spending. ADVERTISEMENT Related Statistic Brain Research. 3. View Here. Rank Top 10 New Years resolutions for 2017 Percent 1 Lose Weight / Healthier Eating 21. Paper Use Statistics Data Annual amount of paper used in the U. Content Author: Statistic Brain Date research was conducted: September 1, 2016. Human Brain Statistics. Pizza Eating Statistics Data Pounds of pepperoni consumed every year from pizza 252 million pounds Annual pizza sale revenue $32 billion Slices of pizza that are eaten each second 350. The Statistic Brain website looks pretty trustworthy too. World Poverty Statistics. R. Dr. NUMBER OFWomen Shaving Statistics Data Average amount of times a woman shaves each month 12 Average amount of times a woman will shave in her lifetime 7,718 Average amount of money. Source: Statistic Brain Research Institute (Online / Direct Response Mail) Content Author: Statistic Brain. DemographicsAmerican Family Financial Statistics Data Average American family savings account balance $4,220 Percent of American families who have no savings at all 24. Fun Facts. Data. 247,550,000 lbs Annual display fireworks revenue $335,000,000 Annual consumer fireworks revenue. Food & AgricultureStatistic Sources & References. Source: Statistic Brain Research Institute (Online / Direct Response Mail) Content Author: Statistic Brain. Demographics. DemographicsContent Author: Statistic Brain Date research was conducted: May 2, 2018. Serial Killer Statistics and Demographics. Business Card Printing Statistics. Looking to study up on the most common / uncommon diseases. 9,171. Health & Disease. Leg Amputations in Sub-Saharan Africa. 85. ADVERTISEMENT. 25 / Month (When paid annually)Statistic Sources & References. Number of mice, rats, dogs, cats, rabbit, monkeys, and other test animals killed in US laboratories each year. Sources: LOGIN TO VIEW SOURCES. Cisco Systems Inc Company Statistics. 42 Percent of consumers who. Bottled Water Statistics Data Average number of plastic bottles used per person annually in the U. Online University Statistics Data Total number of students who took a class online in the past 12 months 6,570,000 Percent increase in online students from 2013 – 2018 13. A list of categories that will answer that burning question you have as to the number of something. Welfare Demographics. S. Geographic. Cardinal Health Company Statistics. Date research was conducted: January 11, 2018. Content Author: Statistic Brain Date research was conducted: May 18, 2017. 21,000,000. Source: Statistic Brain Research Institute (Online / Direct Response Mail) Content Author: Statistic Brain. Health & DiseaseStatistic Sources & References. Total number of industry employees. 1 Billion Average annual amount spent online on Easter. Human Skeleton Statistics. Date research was conducted: November 1, 2018. Average Income of Business Card Holders. *. Reading Statistics Data Total percent of U. Total Federal government spending on welfare programs annually (not including food stamps or unemployment) $**. We will never become number analysts because we believe numbers should only be interpreted by the reader. List of Most Common Child Vaccinations. Fast Food Restaurant Statistics Data Number of Fast Food Restaurants in America 160,000 Number of Americans served daily 50,000,000 Annual Fast Food Revenue $110,000,000,000 Frequency. Adoption Type Breakdown Percent Number Private domestic adoptions 38 % 677,000 Foster Care adoptions 37 % 661,000 International adoptions 25 % 444,000 Adoptive Family Structure Percent Married 70. Percent of People Who Balance Their Checkbook. 4th of July Statistics. The Beatles Total Album Sales Statistics Data Total number of Beatles albums sold 2,303,500,000 Total Albums Sold on iTunes 785,000 Total Singles Sold on iTunes 3,800,000 Sales By Available Markets. Marketing TrendsNUMBER OF. 401 (k) Contribution Statistics. ADVERTISEMENT Related Statistic Brain Research. Must Have Holiday Items by Year. LOGIN. 3 % Average American household debt $117,951 Average. Fun Facts and Statistics. Number of U. ADVERTISEMENT Related Statistic Brain Research. Employee Theft Statistics Data Amount stolen annually from U. Average Cost and Return on Home Remodeling. Date research was conducted: September 3, 2016. 12. Date research was conducted: March 22, 2017. Arranged Marriage Statistics Data Annual number of arranged marriages worldwide 26,250,000 Percent of marriages in the world that are arranged 53. . *. Financial InsightsContent Author: Statistic Brain Date research was conducted: August 22, 2019. ADVERTISEMENT Related Statistic Brain Research. 5% 4 Quit Smoking. SAMPLE DATA. Financial InsightsSolar Energy Statistics Data Average solar panel size needed to power the average home 600 sq. States that use business cards the most. Shoe Size Averages. Content Author: Statistic Brain. 38 Average. 4% 2 Life / Self Improvements 12. 8 Average revenue per shift $275. 2014 An industrial robot is defined by ISO as an automatically controlled, reprogrammable, multipurpose manipulator programmable in three or more axes. Statistic Verification Source: ScienceMaster. spending on tattoos $1,650,500,000 Total percent of Americans (all ages) who have at least one tattoo 14 % Percentage of U. Dre Album Sales Statistics Year Reported Global Sales Studio Albums The Chronic 1992 7,500,000 2001 1999 9,325,000 Compton : A Soundtrack by Dr. Death Penalty Statistics Data Number of U. Breakfast Eating Statistics. Months With The Highest Death Rate. 2012 Plastic Statistics Total number of plastic bags used worldwide annually 1 trillion Total number of plastic bags China. ADVERTISEMENT. Content Author: Statistic Brain. Remember Me; Register Forgot Password? INTERESTING CATEGORIES. S. Body Image Statistics. The field. ADVERTISEMENT Related Statistic Brain Research. spending on floral products $26,600,000,000 Total value of cut flower sales $7,500,000,000 Percent of flowers sold. Statistic Brain is a place to discover data that will inspire you to think more deeply, take action, and increase your understanding of the world you live in. Wedding Cost Statistics. Leap Year Statistics. Financial InsightsStatistic Verification Source: IEEE, IFR Research Date: 2. Average Appliance Electric Use. 2015 Refugee Asylum Statistics. Content Author: Statistic Brain Date research was conducted: September 6, 2016. Flower Industry Statistics Data Value of the global floral trade industry $104,825,000,000 Annual U. Banks 2013 $10,000,000 Captain Phillips 2013 $15,000,000. Consult with Statistic Brain, a comprehensive research & analysis tool providing you the right data for your research, report, article or business decision. Star Wars Total Franchise Revenue. R. Breakfast Eating Statistics. S. Content Author: Statistic Brain Date research was conducted: March 24, 2017.